Harper and the Sea of Secrets

I was so pleaed and delighted yesterday to receive a fantastic review by Arfah in Year 4. She belongs to our book review group, The Missing Pages, which we formed to submit reviews to the Guardian’s Children’s Book site, before it ceased running. However, we always welcome reviews in the library and Arfah is a keen reader and reviewer. She took her special book home over the summer holidays and wrote several in-depth, thoughtful pieces on books she had read. Today’s book is Harper and the Sea of Secrets, by Cerrie Burnell. She even drew a picture to illustrate it!


What the book is about:

The Songs of the Sea Festival is about to start, but disaster has struck! Harper and her friends have the courage to walk along the smugglers tunnels, passing under the sea to find out who has stolen all the instruments. My favourite part is when Harpers fingers trembled with excitement, because she had never had a letter before, so this is what it said:


The orchestra I’m working with, have all had their instruments STOLEN!

You must bring new ones from the tall apartment block to the City of Gulls, at once!

Without instruments the SONGS OF THE SEA Festival will be cancelled, and all my clothes will go to waste! PLEASE HURRY!


Great Aunt Sassy x

Arfah rates this book 6 / 10 and says it is suitable for ages 7+.

Thank you, Arfah, for such a beautifully written and illustrated review!


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