Book review: Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon

Today’s review is by Ana in Year 5. She read Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon, by Pamela Butchart (winner of the Blue Peter Best Story Award), and illustrated by illustrated by Gemma Correll, over the Easter holidays – one of the shortlisted books for the Scholastic Lollies Award.

What is the book about?

The book is about a girl who gets the curse of the ugly pigeon and loses her BFF (best friend forever) after splurting their name to a boy she likes.

Who would this book be suitable for?

Children aged 8+ because younger people might not understand it!

Would you recommend this book?

Not sure. It’s not that interesting.

How many stars would you give it?

I’d give it 3/5 stars.

Thank you Ana!



Happy Easter!

It’s the last day of term, and I can’t quite believe how quickly it has flown past. We have been woefully remiss at writing blog posts this past term (or should I say ‘I have been woefully remiss…’) but hopefully this will be remedied next term.

We’ve read lots of excellent books this term and the children are now fired up over our Books and Beyond Read-a-thon. The number of children I have seen this week particularly who have asked me for ‘a thick book’ to take away over the fortnight’s holiday so they can meet the minimum quota for moving on a stage is astounding. And I am pleased but also ashamed to say that some of the children are beating me in the reading stakes. Time to get cracking…

We’ve enjoyed reading the picture book shortlist for the LOLLIES (Laugh out Loud) Awards, run by Scholastic, to find the funniest book. I will be sharing these after  half term, as well as pictures of our new display based on Hoot Owl – Master of Disguise, which is one of the shortlisted titles. It’s become one of my favourites to read in the Library with its blend of creativity and humour.

All that remains is for me to wish you all a very Happy Easter! Enjoy your chocolate!